RAwKIn the DEG family happenings

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i suck.


i told yall from the beginning ill forget this by dinner, i made it a few days!

things have been chaotic--

my space bar is missing from my laptop.which is driving me crazy-thank youtrent

ill be back later to finish---im setting up mobile blogger-so i can blog via cell!!!!!!!!! woot.
if i could have it implanted i would!

Monday, January 19, 2009


oh im so excited. next wednesday i go in for it.

whats been going on round here?...oh man, lots.

Blaize has been sick for 3 weeks, with blaize sick means sick- any sign of any sort of snot- SHE pukes. so its been tons of laundry and lots of puke. ended up at the dr. she has bronchiolitis (kinda like bronchitis) and a left ear infection, lots of antibiotics and an inhaler....

we got our taxes done last week, so thats outta the way which is uber nice, i hate tax time.
but love the money we get back~ pay bills and squander it off on random crap, like new clothes!! among other things

sorry lost train of thought, two and a half men is on.....i like that show~

ok comercial, husband has been working alot which is good. yet salary, so not that good. LOL
he is staring at me typing, apparently i get a smirk when i get my wheels turning......(not really) just dirty thoughs........mmk on that note imma jump his bones! night!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

saturday night and a random video

.......gonna watch a movie with my oldest tonight........PEE WEES BIG ADVENTURE.........seriously...we are watching it.

ill check in tomorrow. NIGHT.

yes he is really falling asleep. and yes he really hit his head

Friday, January 9, 2009

Do i hear an echo?

well today was unproductive. nothing new. but hey i have good news, i no longer have denise...which frees me up. ALOT. mentally too!! the kid drove me batty.

anyway so as im setting up this blog thing today im sitting at my sliding glass door.
my daughter b laize comes out of her room from nap time NAKED. nothing new really.
i let her roam around a while, she is playing with the cat (spook) in the kitchen.....she walks up to my leg and starts pointing to the corner and saying....shiiiit, i shiit........
ok so now i dont make it a habit as to cuss in front of my kids. but i have been known to. its in my vocabulary, a permanent fixture in my vocabulary....and yes....they have heard me say...
what is this SHIT
im sick of this shit
GOOD lord did you shit...
ok so shit is my favorite cuss word. it just may make it in every sentence as far as i know. but as of today i must watch my language, obviously.

a blog? like i need one.

OK, so im charting new territory and going to try to start one of these hellacious things.
I'm not good at punctuation. Or capitalization. HELL im a lazy typer so yall best get uset to it.
Besides this will probably be my first and last post, my attention span is that of a 2 year old Ill forget i have this by dinner.....but ill try....ill try to keep up with random daily happenings, rants....and all the other BS that comes along with online blogging. Im just gonna get on with it and make the best of what the hell ever im trying to do with this blog.

Im Erin. Im 27. i have 4 children........married...........